Mary Lee Brady, Ph.D. 

| | Guy Lee We are Still Researching Data First Name | Last Name | Ages | Relation | Location | Owner | | | | | | | Aggy | Lee | Est. 35 years at time of GW 1799 will, & gave birth to 1st child Sinah by William est. 1786-1787, last child Joanna est. 1804. | Husband, William Lee sometime during or after 1786 | Mansion | Martha Washington Dower slave and freed after death of Martha in 1803; but not until 1824 per Fairfax Co. records | William | Lee | Est. 49 years at time of GW 1799 will. The will of 1786 list him as a shoemaker and lame. | Wife, Aggy Lee per GW 1799 will. The 1st will of 1786 list him as not having a wife. | Mansion | George Washington offered freedom to William upon death in 1799, but William apparently declined to remain with Aggie. | Joe | ? | | Wife, Sall | Mansion | George Washington | Mike | Lee | | Son of Lucy Lee | Mansion | George Washington | Sinah | Lee | | Daughter of Aggy Lee, est. age 13-14 years at time of GW 1799 will | Mansion | Martha Washington Dower Slave as offspring of mother Aggy. Sold in 1802 to Charles Thomas, Sinah's free husband: apparently sold her to James Kenner who sold her to firm of Libby & Came who set her free on 10/8/1814 | Mima | Wagoner | | Husband, Godfrey Wagoner | Mansion | Martha Washington Dower | Frank | Lee | Died Before 1799 | Husband to Lucy | Mansion | George Washington | Lucy | Lee | | Widow, Frank Lee, apparently believed herself free per will of GW, or that Bushrod Washington intended to sell GW slaves. She and other Lee's lived in D.C. or MD where she and daughter Grace were then recaptured for slavery in Virginia. | Mansion | George Washington | Grace | Carter | | Husband Juba Carter | Mansion | Tobias Lear |

Indications are that Lucy was to be kept in slavery until Grace was pregnant, ...Grace in turn was to be kept in slavery until she gave birth and nurtured a new slave for seven years that would be the property of Joseph Martin to keep or sale. |