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Flournoy-Jones Generations
Home Up FlournoySurname JACOB FLOURNOY Spencer Flournoy Talls Whaley Jones, born 1800 Flournoy-Jones Generations Samuel Jones, born 1813

Mary Lee Brady, Ph.D.










Millions of African-Americans were brothers and sisters in the body and spirit without ever knowing their DNA linkages because of the peculiar institution of chattel slavery.  Flournoy-Jones Generations offer another example as to how generations enslaved in Virginia came to have offspring generations of different surnames in states such as Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky and Ohio. The 19th century that gave birth to the ill-willed ante-bellum south fueled by the breeding and sale of human flesh.  A woman enslaved in Virginia could more often than not be expected to have children enslaved in other states, and grand-children entrapped as slaves in even more states and locations. 

A thousand enslaved woman born in Virginia at time of the first American census in 1890 could be profitably expected to birth at least 10,000 slaves by census year 1830, ... including 5,000 daughters that would at least double such numbers by the census of 1840 which doubled again by year 1850, and of course by time Abraham Lincoln was elected slavery included over four million people in bondage.    The 1880 census documents that Spencer (born in 1800) and likely moved from Virginia to Kentucky some years before his brother Samuel was born in 1813.  The tale of these two brothers is an amazing example of the faith that existed among a large number of the four million men, women and children freed at end of the Civil War.  With nothing but their faith to cling onto many were told by their preachers that God would reveal their long-lost and unknown loved ones to them, prompting the practice of many faithful addressing strangers as "mother, father, brother, sister" in beliefs that God could and would so reveal for the faithful. 

When it happened in the case of Spencer and Samuel, ... the word no doubt was spread far and wide as to what God had done in their lives.  And, of course for non-believers, it was simply a mere coincidence but we can assume the effect was to bring more folks up from slavery to Christ. 


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