| We exist because of our determination that youth generations of African heritage such as the beautiful young student on the right seeking righteousness and a useful life have a need for much more functional knowledge about themselves and others in the past, present and future. The philosophy of life generated by Jesus in the first century centered on the human free will to believe or not believe in many matters including the unknown and known enlightenment by education and enterprise endeavors. We believe such students of humanity need to know the path up to the light, but understand enlightenment is still filled with darkness and degenerate attitudes and behaviors that can only be overcome by prejudice against it. Beliefs matter in shaping attitudes such as courage or fear; and so it matters very much for youth to know about ancestors who overcame fears such as slavery. For this reason, we want African-American youth in particular to care and know that some of their ancestors had the courage to act against the hated institution by volunteering to join the Union cause of colored troops, sailors and laborers. Too many millions not yet up from slavery have been born into and/or embraced a philosophy of life that does not span generations before and after their own existence. Some are gifted and talented but spiritually bound and tied in the heathen mind swamps beyond shackles of most enslaved colors and kinds. We believe youth of African heritage ought to be forewarned there are people and places such as the good and evil that existed in conflict and competition among poisonous and virtuous men and women, and certainly boys and girls. It is self-evident that many in older generations of pretentious believers learned to pray in order to prey upon the trusting souls around them. Indeed, the typical bible-pounding singing sister and bouncing brother in the pulpits have attitudes that nothing (education, enterprise, etc.) matters before or after their own lives except being held in "the arm's of Jesus." We are thus disturbed by facts that too few African-Americans have knowledge or appreciation of their ancestral kin or even White "saviors" that served in America's wars that generated their liberation and affirmation of rights. "Why doth the heathen rage and imagine false things?" Even worse aspects of inferior cultural dynamics long standing among "the least of us" is a failure in common aspirations to both denounce and eliminate... far too many commonalities of predatory attitudes and behavior by fathers, mothers, sons and daughters that not only denigrated Africa but assures non-development wherever it exists and is tolerated. Youth who do the harms so many millions of people experience are born of unenlightened mothers impregnated by fathers born of predatory human beings that we often pretend never existed, and consequently expect "a silk purse to be made of a sow's ear." The notion that we should not speak ill of the dead who during their lives deliberately did us harm is stupid, ... leaving youth ignorant of their reality. History is clear for the past five hundred years that most predators of African heritage prey upon people they see and know, (especially those who dare trust them), ... not strangers or persons unknown outside their environment of deceit, deception and destruction. Slave raiders composed of ruthless young men captured village people known by them. So-called "black on black crime" is not a mystery. It is an abomination that ought not be tolerated. African-American men, and some women, know who the predators are around and among them; ... and most simply organize their lives to avoid and defend, not eradicate. No, not because of cowardice but rather inferior community cultural dynamics. In our research endeavors, "we have found the enemy and it is us" for not acknowledging and fighting back, ... looking instead to law enforcement and other bodies of goodness to solve the problems of bad behaviors, such as internet scams, in not just Nigeria but also the United States where the same cultural dynamics often dominate. A few hackers like Willard, a gifted and talented dishonorably discharged army musician addicted to crack cocaine, ... seek to take advantage of vulnerable websites in their make believe claims of being internet developers while stealing internet identifies to conceal themselves. In reality, rather than helping himself by helping others, Willard Wrong uses his talent to earn illicit dollars by internet piracy and reproduction of rap music and videos by prominent artists and pornographers, ... for cousins who are pretentious promoters selling it to vulnerable teenagers in the Woodland Hills and other area schools of Pittsburgh. The problem is of course associated with the sale and use of crack cocaine in the same environments. Neither the police nor schools and churches can begin to solve such dynamic disasters without understanding the social history of people involved, ... as Nancy Lee argued to be a social work pre-requisite. Willard is no different than his father and mother, ... both unknown to social workers who for eighteen years issued monthly welfare checks and other benefits in lieu of cash for care of him and siblings. The existence of such illicit talents and behaviors in our backyards have caused us to realize that educated and enlightened people of African heritage, ... can not escape realities that millions of people are still not up from the attitudes and behaviors of the bad news past. There is no escape from the effects of so many millions of youth raised up to adulthood without benefit of good mothers and fathers. We hold dear to the beliefs at beginning of the 20th century "the new Negro is to be born by uplifting new mothers to goodness that is ultimately Godliness like that of Mary." After years of searching while being victimized, we learned that many hackers, such as Willard the wizard in the eyes of his cousins, ... are most notably the gifted and talented ones in a long line of essentially degenerations dating back into slavery. Many young men were encouraged with rewards to literally "rap and exploit" not help others. A review of their genealogy show commonalities in lacking of mother's nurture, inspiration and motivation for formal education and enterprising lives. They are good examples as to why we should care about "the least of us." Like it or not bad apples can harm and even destroy the good ones in our homes, neighborhoods, communities, cities and even nations. Long before Willard was born, ... perhaps the deceit, deception and tragedy of his being existed in DNA sequences of bad mothers and fathers to be in a multi-generation view of humanity that includes new and old generations. Willard the wondrous Black wizard of internet hackers in Western Pennsylvania region was fathered by William Wrong a talented baseball player and laborer but also a polygamous man to several women and eventually killed by a fellow womanizer in the Hill District leaving behind a wife with three children, ... and at least one known concubine with three children including Willard and his twin brother before she died soon after in a third pregnancy and illegal attempted abortion in Pittsburgh. Indeed, during days when abortions were illegal and plenty, ... many Black women, not yet up from slavery earned their livings performing them on women like Pauline on right (1910-1940), and often with disastrous consequences. The stories that August Wilson the play-write likely did not hear or write about were those of tragedy driven by alcoholism, drug use and bad attitudes and behaviors on Logan Avenue and other places of ill-repute from slavery down river all the way to New Orleans where jazz was born, ... at least two generations before coming up the Ohio River to Pittsburgh through places like Saint Louis, the city of W.C. Handley and where the fabulous Miles Davis would be born. William's lineage came up the Mississippi River and railways from Memphis via the Ohio River and railways they also helped build to Pittsburgh by the 1920s in pursuit of happiness, ... not simply jobs in the mines and mills that highly valued strong backs and stamina of Black men. They came by the tens of thousands inter-mingling with old Pittsburghers of color in region since at least the French and Indian War of 1754-1763. And, the women came too, using their Tennessee wits and charms gained in the journey up from near slavery conditions behind the cotton curtain, ... "to never be hungry again." And like writer Margaret Mitchell's Charlotte O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind" many women pursued men as a source of money that mattered, ... cash income from the mines and mills. William was born in Tennessee to the cousin of a light bright woman who had come up from the darkness as a domestic servant to rich White folks. She had the good fortune and delight of meeting a hard-working "Geechi" called "Big Red" from South Carolina. Big Red's near White features gained him benefits from mine owners more tolerant of his kind rather than Black and boisterous ones from down in Alabama-Georgia and other places south. And, without being asked or invited, ... a distraught cousin raising some children of a deceased aunt, sent troublesome William to Cousin Mary "up north" to be her son, ... since she had no children and had bragged at the dead Aunt's funeral about eating, drinking and living well evidenced by getting fat and being known in her own speak-easy as "Big Mary." Big Red with the strong back of William dug out basement of his rented coal-company owned house, and turned it into a "genuine down home jute joint" with music from a juke box soon played day and night by coal miners seeking alcoholic drinks and adventurous girls for happiness. William saw and heard a lot of what bad girls liked to do! William soon proved to be a talented, if not gifted, teenager able to outperform all but a few boys his age in drinking, fighting and baseball learned from the men up from Alabama-Georgia where it was more than a game. But, he never learned the values of the "Bama Boys" like Will and Dave Pope, or the Richardson brothers and others who valued getting along to get up to bat as the most critical challenge. For many African-Americans his age, including Jackie Robinson, baseball was not simply numbers on the board but how you played the game. In fact, William's skills as a hitter and fielder were as good, if not better, than many Black and White teenagers who later advanced into minor and major leagues as professionals and believers, ... to whom church service was on Sunday mornings and afternoons when the umpires, often deacons and preachers, yelled "play ball." We believe the life of William Wrong, like that of Josh Gibson was not good to be dissipated in alcohol and womanizing; and about more than a frustrated baseball player in the award winning play "Fences" by August Wilson. William never understood what it meant to "play ball" like Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Larry Doby, Dave Pope and hundreds of others wherein Christ was the ultimate winner in generation of goodness. He literally dominated all the teenagers around him in and out of school, ... and, girls generally found him attractive and desirable even though constantly in trouble for taking what he wanted, otherwise known as theft. Reform school in the 1940s was little more than a place where bad boys learned to be bad or sad in daily challenges to their existence; and, William survived it proving that he was clever and tough enough to live and lust in the Hill District, ... with occasional returns to Big Mary's neighborhood for baseball and delight to admiring females seduced one after the other until they were pregnant or enlightened. The tragedy is that Willard and his twin brother have their father William's genetic traits of possible giftedness and tendencies for alcohol and drug dependency, plus perverted lifestyles, ... and as a result live from day to day, with predatory nights without ending. Willard was bright and talented enough to be recruited into one of the U.S. Army bands but then discharged for unsatisfactory behavior, ... drug abuse and where upon was then hired by a prominent jazz band leader in Pittsburgh who also fired him for same cause. His wizard abilities with computer technology was gained by near phenomenal abilities of musicians to master movements that average minds value but do not know. And, we trusted before knowing him as his father's son charming women named Mary. The challenge is not that of laws, ... but needs to change cultural dynamics proven defective and perpetuated by un-nurtured, uninspired, unmotivated, uneducated, unemployable youth generated by unproductive unions of bodies without Christ. We do not advocate more church buildings and over-weight preachers to help more women dance and sing, ... nor pretentious priests and rituals to pick their pockets and observed by boys who grow old enough to see and hear raptures not of Christ. Born of lust rather than love, like the infamous Mobuto finally gone, ... such otherwise gifted and talented young men could have become something of value to humanity rather than predators disdained by feminist writers like Alice Walker rather than looking in the mirror at the source of cults that worship nothing in Christ. We do not need Arnold Schwarzenegger to rid us of bad cults of men and women that worship "nothingness." Rather, Africans and Americans not yet up from 19th century degenerations have raised up generations of young men who are, at best, infrequent sources for reckless young women seeking love, ... but in reality are tools for filling jail cells with men without jobs for failure to pay child support and related petty theft seeking to pay their fines or repay loans for same. In Africa, it is even worse with young men of the same denigrated heritages picking up AK47s to use for pillage and plunder as it was in the near distant past of predatory attitudes and behaviors. Too many millions of other youth have dissipated God given abilities to help themselves, ... without helping others and experience consequences of meaningless lives of daily alcohol and drug environments of poverty. The culture must change to uplift motherhoods, fatherhoods and childhoods as gifts from God, ... not allow such to be denigrated as paths to nothingness. We believe goodness (such as occurred with the ending of chattel slavery and elimination of racial segregation and discrimination) is a product of generations in the body and spirit of Christ, in timelines of which individual lives are a part, not the whole which we cannot observe or even document. So, to see good, ... it is often necessary for believers to close their eyes to visualize the faith of ancestors who generated the generations that did deeds we witnessed (like amazing triumphs of Lucinda Wilson, Thurgood Marshall, Martin Luther King, Jr.) and believe that Christ lives! We are determined to challenge historic and on-going denigrating stereotypes of peoples of African heritage evolved by centuries of priests, preachers, writers, scholars and even actors and entertainers, .... both Black and White, male and female who imagined abnormality and cruelty, including cowardice and godlessness, to be normal human attitudes and behaviors by "the least of us." August Wilson's brilliance was his gifted ability to focus on seeing and listening to and in the several square blocks of Pittsburgh's famed Hill District, ... where everybody was somebody's sister, brother, cousin, aunt, uncle, mother, father and even preacher and teacher. And, black enterprise was reality! "The Hill" was a busy place, during the great days of "Coming Jubilee Time" when its famed Mother Bethel AME Church was Headquarters of the Western Abolition Movement (before Urban Removal in the 1950s tore it down). The Hill District was a place runaway slaves were told "would not turn you away and somebody will take you in, fight to protect you from bounty hunters and constables." And everyone who came up river, even those who claimed they were chased by greyhounds or escaped by riding steamboats stuffed with produce atop them, ... had often very entertaining stories to tell assembled audiences in church halls and busy barber shops without welfare fabricated feminist "fences" between men and boys. Boys learned to listen to men exaggerate with grains of truth that often inspired them to be all that they could be, ... being free. And, when the Civil War came and men like Dr. Martin Delaney called for enlistments in the U.S. Colored Troops, ... an astounding number of two regiments comprising over 3,000 young men stepped forward from a regional population of less than 30,000 Black residents in Western Pennsylvania. And, with the blessings of God that lifted them up from slavery, ... their number multiplied to over 300,000 in three generations from 1860 to 1960, including over 50,000 souls in the Hill District with 28 churches. Yes, the Great Scot Presbyterians like Andrew Carnegie hired Black men at standard wages, ... for the first time in American history! What a story that is yet to be written? Maybe some aspiring youth with vision of August Wilson will do so? Plays written by the former August Wilson of Pittsburgh is a good cause celebrity for enlightened and educated folks up from slavery to contemplate the importance of "go and tell what you have seen and heard" to enlighten lives. Failing to know anything worth telling is sure fire signs of a wasted life, and not likely to enter into the fabled kingdom of heaven that plantation style preachers like to preach about. We love his works because to him, everybody had a story to tell if we are quiet enough to listen, rather than digesting garbage propagated by Black exploitation writers of nonsense, ... where everybody, even preachers, are no body in spirit of Christ and abnormalities are deemed superior to moralities of generating new generations! With a limited formal education Wilson proved that gifted youth with limited means can help HIM that lifted us UP from slavery, by doing as HE asked of believers, "Go and tell John what you have seen and heard." Literally all traditional African-American colleges and universities established in the 19th century, before and after the Emancipation Proclamation, ... were founded by ministers of the gospel, Black and White, who understood that preaching about the bible was no substitute for teaching people to live, learn and prosper by helping others; and were thus referred to as "teaching ministries." For them and their mission minded endeavors education was a lot more than simply learning the various books of the bible but also Shakespeare and hundreds of other writings that lifted the human spirit in Black youth to energize their minds to listen and learn. A former College Chaplain at Virginia State University was famed for quoting to massed student assemblies of sometimes noisy attendees: "How rare ... it is ... to find ... a soul ... quiet enough to ... hear God ............... speak" ... by which time the last three words were spoken, near total silence existed for student attendees to meditate before assembled speakers like Dr. John Hope Franklin were invited to speak. Dr. Franklin, son of a scholar and scholarly mother, ... devoted his life going to college and university campuses to "tell what he had seen and heard" in many years of reading, research and observation to "help somebody" understand about good lives lived. A Christian believer for sure, he was not a bible thumper but rather a learned man who read more than the bible which he knew well and cherished as great literature along with the Torah and Koran; and, a lot Buddhist and Hindu prayers and chants. He was a learned man not given to the silly Sally slave plantation dancing, screaming and hollering, ... and calling it our religious traditions. He opposed writers who stereotype African-Americans. For Franklin, his Daddy and Mama, ... "Truth is the Word of God" discovered by the great Sojourner Truth where-ever found, including 2+2=4 that is learned by the process of educating youth rather than letting them grow like Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Topsy." Story telling to and for children and adults help define who they are. For us the world is larger than even August Wilson in his limited education and travels could possibly know; but if others picked up the challenge of telling stories with a purpose, ... it may help new generations find purpose in their lives. For example is there something common in the Robinson DNA, ... exemplified by their faith, courage, determination, athletic abilities? Jackie Robinson (below left) had a lot in common with Lewis Robinson Martin (below right). Both, like Judge Spotswood Robinson and Randall Robinson of Virginia and Reverend Jesse Robinson Jackson of South Carolina, ... we have seen close-up. They mostly seemed to have in common a history of aggressively helping "the least of us." The battle cry of freedom is perhaps in not only their spirits but also genes? Listen and read the words by clicking the link below: Battle Cry Of Freedom Lyrics and Tune We are convinced that despite all the shouting and preaching by Television evangelists and on Sunday mornings to mostly unenlightened and poorly educated African-Americans, ... there is a inherent desire by people of African, American, European and even Asian heritage to understand who and how African-Americans came into existence as more than slaves in America. While the spirit of Christ is a given among many, there seems to be an inability of preachers to perceive HIS body in DNA of "the least of us." They may on occasion praise Sister Rosa Parks of the Montgomery Bus Boycott but utterly fail to appreciate her brother who risked his life on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day in service to his fellow soldiers and sailors. The problem is ignorance of DNA attributes like courage. We welcome fellowship links to other associations and websites, including Africa, Europe, and the Caribbean that help tell youth a true renaissance story that spanned many centuries and generations of everlasting life to the glory of God whose mercy lifted us UP to live better and more useful lives, ... helping ourselves by helping others as the many Robinson descendents known to us have done and continue to do. Births are not accidental occurrences and neither is evil or goodness. For example, any inputs shared about the Robinson descendents such as our beloved Michelle Robinson Obama roots in Virginia's pre-Civil War slave trade will be very welcome. We have some census data suggesting that she, Spotswood Robinson, Jesse (Robinson) Jackson, Jack Roosevelt (Jackie) Robinson, Randall Robinson, Paul Robeson, Judge Spotswood Robinson and a lot of other dynamic Robinsons in Alabama, Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia are many many many dozens of cousins in the body and spirit of Christ; .... and legacy of the great Virginia slave breeding and trading industry that flourished from approximately 1810 to at least the election of Abraham Lincoln that ultimately stopped the godless practice. We urge viewers to remember that from approximately 1810 until at least beginnings of the Civil War which emancipated over four million African-Americans, ... the largest and dynamic industry in the State of Virginia was not foods, tobacco or farm animals but rather the breeding and sale of slaves. Be sure to understand that thousands of young men were literally licensed or leased out by their owners to perform as "studs" to woo and impregnate female slaves. Many otherwise fertile young women were literally bred to their deaths often from far too many births given in the peculiar institution of chattel slavery that harvested and sold offspring throughout the American south. And, the same generation of young men in gray that struggled gallantly to maintain slavery by waging a bloody war against the federal government were the same ones who not many years after emancipation, led by rebels such as Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forest, ... terrorized millions of freedmen, women and children even unto the next three generations of African-American births. Yet, the faith in Christ triumphed as epitomized by the birth, nurture, inspiration, motivation, education and energies-ministries of men and women like that of Jackie Robinson and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Our question is: "who were the chosen mothers in our faith that gave birth to so many champion souls we now know and acclaim? The search is not about past caste and colors but faith new generations need to believe in. We believe that without faith, ... there is no beginning! Our suspicion is the prevalence of athletic superiority and helping hands among Robinson offspring is a strong clue they are genetically related. Who cares that a hidden hand may have given us so many people that have mattered to so many millions up from slavery and colonialism? Is it possible that common slave wombs in Virginia generated so many champions in the faith? It is not their names that matter but the spirit within that brought us up to wonder who was who? And, how if not why? Was it a single womb or many? Jesus himself asked the question "Who is my mother?" Was some unknown mother energized with seeds for generating salvation means and methods we can easily see but hardly comprehend without DNA proofs? If true, it confirms the good news in our beliefs about gifted births in Africa, America and the Caribbean beyond our abilities to count. Indeed, Robinson genealogy in America are astounding triumphs in faith and genes that lifted us up to excellence in a hostile land. Many would argue that Robinsons we know are a mere coincidence with slave master names. For such non-believers, color matters most. For those who would be believers, let them look and wonder across this great land of enchantment and toils.
There were many men named William Robinson serving in the U.S. Colored Troops during the great emancipation war. Why did so many African-American fathers and mothers name their offspring after ancestors who served to end chattel slavery? To be sure about it, ... they had to have known something that many modern African-American offspring seem to have forgotten or never learned. Where and why did we have men like Attorneys Spotswood William Robinson (left) and Oliver Hill (right) emerge to fight causes for "the least of us." Who were those guys? Who were their mothers? How did it come to past that such men were perhaps born to serve a purpose not clearly understood until decades after their deaths? The great court battles waged, lost and often won in the struggle for justice in the 1940s-1970s era was most in cases by descendents of men who had fought the good fight, ... not opportunists waiting for goodness to rain down from heaven and claimed they prayed for it, stood for it, hoped for it and like Clarence Thomas believe they deserved it. The bad news is that too many of us are silent about telling youth generations what we have seen and heard about mysteries in our own faith up from slavery; and glory to GOD. The challenge is not to glorify our ancestors or selves but to elevate African studies of "the salvation kind" to enlighten and educate gifted and talented youth in the faith that lifted us UP from heathenism, bondage, denigration and despair in Africa and the Americas less they dare forget. The internet affords enlightenment means to ends beyond us into generations yet to be born integrated in a world of wonder made wonderful by enlightenment, education and enterprising bodies and souls. Indeed, beyond skin color, ... most non-readers have little knowledge of their origins and even less caring about futures beyond their own little lives; but, the there are millions of gifted and talented youth who absorb knowledge like a sponge and constantly seek for a better understanding of their existence and those to come afterwards. People who lack interest the past are unlikely to seek futures beyond their own; and, tend to comfort themselves with "sound-bites and ideology" not of their own making but imitations of lives lived by others they do not know. Proofs are generally self-evident by a lack of books owned or read. George Washington knew the heritage of William Lee via his father Colonel John Lee, and was not surprised by William's love and mastery of horse riding but also women like his descendent Betty Lee Thornhill, a former African-American beauty queen in the 1940s, ... born of a father that helped hundreds of Blacks and Whites obtain employment in the Pittsburgh coal industry during the World War I era of immigrants and migrants seeking a helping hand UP, ... not a hand-out. Temple Lee, his brothers and cousins since the era of William Lee by the dozens in Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania had in common a faithfulness to family and love of horses and mules. The facts of human matter are that Americans from the beginning of English and even French and Spanish explorations and settlements in the early through late 16th and 17th centuries procreated hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of offspring by concubines of African and Native American heritage. Whether called mulatto or Indian, successive generations procreated often blurred color distinctions to the point that many women married as white women by early colonists had both European and African heritage in their DNA trace. Sizeable numbers of European origin women, excepting Puritans and Quakers, did not accompany husbands or emigrate in significant numbers, even as indentured servants, until the beginning of the 18th century. We do not deny that many mothers during and after slavery were untruthful and even unknowledgeable in the fatherhoods of their offspring. But, a driving issue in this site is that enslaved mothers of future goodness knew who were the fathers of their children. Many were courageous in naming their children in knowledge of fathers in a dominant culture that legally sought to classify them as little more than breeding stock in the category of other farm animals rather than human beings. We believe a conscious effort in the spirit of Christ was evidently made by many mothers to name offspring with bloodline traces to their heritage, ... Black and White, Males and Females. There are thousands of Lee offspring in America, living as Blacks and Whites, openly and secretly, knowing and unknowing, ... about their heritage dating all the way back to the British Isles and West Africa. Our interest is fueled by knowledge about William Lee and his brother Frank Lee and their offspring who were enslaved at Mount Vernon, and believed to be buried there in unmarked or unknown grave sites. But, yet the courageous spirit of William Lee has been demonstrated over and over again for all who would see and hear.
This site is further inspired by the reality that over 43,000 people of mostly African-American heritage, including many Civil War veterans, lie within unknown and un-visited graves in a cemetery near our residence. How can this be? Is it possible that so many beneficiaries of Civil War veteran ancestors do not care? The problem is of course that matriarchal heritages generally lack a tracking of young males in military age groups. While female headed households may hold dear certain values, such as looking and feeling good, ... there are deep strains of inbred inferiority in matriarchy compared to other cultural dynamics with a greater value of young males, for more than sexual unions and material benefits. Bad attitudes have been made worse by public welfare as we knew it. Indeed, there are many hundreds of cemeteries, sites and graves across America that enlightened and educated African-Americans ought to know and care about at least their own ancestors commensurate with cultural dynamics of patriarchal caring displayed by others for confederate and union veterans. While a lack of courage is reflective of cowardice, ... a lack of caring about the courageous reflects inferior cultural dynamics in dominating roles. It is disturbing that so many preachers knowingly sought to avoid realities that other men fought and died that they and their enabling congregations might live free. But, we do forgive those few, such as Sojourner Truth, and even Booker T. Washington, who honestly believed the mass fighting and killing occurring around them was not good for Blacks or Whites. Yet the reality is that young men who fought the good fight which ended chattel slavery were generated by generations of good men (like Madison Hemings) who looked to divine providence to choose which generation would shed blood and tears for "the least of us" to come forth in God's universal time, ... which is not according to calendar of the Caesars.
Email: Editors, More Mary Matters bradyenterpriseassociation@gmail.comwith questions or comments about this web site. |