| Whether young or old, ... we would like to know who you are relative to generations that came before your existence; and, those persons procreated as a result of you being energy and matter that did so. You are unique, and from a standpoint of science maybe even have some genetic traits of the Neanderthal man on right, ... who was known to inhabit much of Europe before being supplanted by your Homo-Sapien ancestors out of Africa for unknown reasons. Our interest as outlined below and scattered across this site is not about your race, gender, sexuality or even nationality but rather what makes you unique relative to all the other lives and life-forms in our world of planets, continents, countries, kingdoms, empires, tribes, cities, towns, communities, neighborhoods, ... and family groups. Yet, you cannot create matter or energy, merely procreate using what already exists much more complex than male sperms and female eggs! We are not preachers nor believe God is inside you, me or anyone else who dares define and rationalize such to be so. But, we dare wonder if you are inside something wonderful for a purpose not ours or yours. What do we really believe about the doctrinal belief of "brothers and sisters in Christ." And, none of us are creative though some vain-glory people use the term to describe various human endeavors such as the arts. Yes, even the most gifted and talented artists at best are pro-creative of energy and matter here long before their human existence and not unexpectedly will exist after names and claims of any life-time user. The past eight (8) generations in Christ included not only beauty and intelligence to learn and earn; but more importantly a truly revolutionary spirit in having generated hundreds, if not thousands of Americans living today for purpose driven lives to help themselves by helping others inclusive of: conception, birth, nurture, inspiration, motivation, education, and healing new generations. For gifted and talented believers, it is perhaps helpful to comprehend that Luke was a physician and man of science (friend to Paul) before and after writing the Gospel according to Luke. (Click below) Indeed, youth of generation #67 (births 1980-2009) should know that generation #63 (births 1860-1889) were the first men and women of color in America universally free to "love ye one another" and stay in place long enough to conceive, birth, nurture, inspire, motivate and educate stabilized families. We are compelled to hope this understanding will exist among generated beneficiaries for "the least of us" fallen and unable to get up and on with better and more fruitful lives promised by our redeemer, despite all that followed. We believe in our faith and history that when young mothers of any race or place congregate for goodness sake, ... the spirit of empowerment is always present. The facts of human matter are that Americans from the beginning of English and even French and Spanish explorations and settlements in the early through late 16th and 17th centuries procreated hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of offspring by concubines of African and Native American heritage. Whether called mulatto or Indian, successive generations procreated often blurred color distinctions to the point that many women married as white women by early colonists had both European and African heritage in their DNA trace. The menus on various site pages will lead you to many sub-menus we hope will be helpful in understanding how the slave breeding that matured in 18th century Virginia served to populate and prosper the ante-bellum south of many states, ... with enslaved cousins, siblings, parents and even offspring that only recently have learned to know and love one another across inherited color and geographic boundaries. Keep in mind that slaves for most generations were chattel property in a movement that populated a continent and seldom, if ever, lived out their lives among people and places in which born. Indeed, stabilization of successive generations is redemption made holy by mission minded educated and enlightened mothers who teach the good news up from slavery that good motherhood matters most. (Image depicting righteous aspirations among "the least of us" is by famed artist John Holyfield.) You can be helpful by linking your stories about past family voices now silent but etched in your soul. Help us include links to other sites for African, European, and Native American heritage descendents, including actors, artists, fathers, mothers, preachers, teachers, scholars and writers among others relating to ancestry of given surnames, origins and locations. Many pages and images on site may be slower to load than you desire, but keep in mind that information being portrayed is designed for family minded patrons, not impatient surfers. And, at our best we are believers tempted to speculate about matters not known for certain but believed on the basis of evidence and imagination about thousands of cousins distant and near generations, ... Black, White, Mulatto and Native American. Charles Darwin below sought to offer scientific evidence that species of life evolved from common origins, ... not why you or we exist as human beings or perhaps uniquely distinguished by "souls" that cannot be observed as science? If you do not believe you have one, chances are our site will be of little interest to you. You are a mystery in our faith that human beings do not simply happen to exist in this ever expanding universe of energy and matter that humans can neither create or destroy. How is it that with billions of human beings on earth, none are exactly alike nor significantly different in the DNA chains of their existence? Even the most commonly observed characteristics like skin color and hair texture are not exactly alike but at the same time similar among billions of people in the mystery of life itself that defines who we and you are. Contrary to many thousands of people in each generation professing to know who you are not, ... it is refreshing to find youthful people of African heritage determined to seek the wisdom as to who they are. We suggest, for lack of a better philosophy or time-line in the journey of millions of folks up from the horrors of chattel slavery in Africa, the Americas, Caribbean and Europe, .... that of Jesus of Nazareth as a spiritual beginning point to make sense of bodily experiences and "keep hope alive." As a point of fact for millions of people, the philosophy-teachings of Jesus, or even Mohammed, as basic sources for mass empowerment and salvation, ... was an imitation of life by previous generations. Many ancestors and especially benefactors of enslaved African-Americans, not a majority, ... decided during slavery that their old beliefs were inadequate, and technically sought to be born again with new beliefs that replaced old bottles and wine within. Our belief is that African-Americans successfully up from slavery have a moral obligation to search, learn and extend their good news of education, enlightenment and enterprise (gained from others such as Charles Darwin and William Wilberforce) ... to those who have not received it in Africa, the Americas, and Caribbean. What does it mean to be you? Besides beginning with the body and spirit of JESUS, who else do you believe contributes to who you are? First question to answer is easy, ... which generation were you born in making you a brother or sister in the spirit of Christ? For non-believers of course, there is no such beginning/generation related to that of Jesus, (whose birth signaled the ending of self-proclaimed Herod the Great) and lived approximately 30 years before a second generation was born. After the generation of Jesus, many other persons of great influence and personal philosophies were born for purposes and functions we can speculate to have been a possible influence in shaping who you are? Educated and enlightened believers have a challenge to at least know martyrs and predecessors in their faith, ... keeping in mind that it did not die on the cross nor did the Philosophy of Life espoused by Christ exist only in persons we know and love. A puzzle for your offspring, and yourself, to possibly ponder in their search for tomorrow is who and how life is everlasting in the context of knowing who (like you) preceded them and possibly why? A good hint to such a puzzling question is to begin with their and your good faith. As examples, we have inserted some of our favorites in the blanks for you to review in compiling your own for offspring and others to contemplate and truly celebrate the gift of Christ. We want that no youth of any faith should be without knowledge and understanding as to how goodness was born, died and reborn in and of the spirit of good mothers most often ignored and unknown. People of African heritage have to write their own stories and not leave it to others who know even less about our journey "up from hell on earth" when even after slavery was officially ended, ... ... tens of thousands of Black boys were routinely arrested for vagrancy, loitering, trespassing, suspicion and many other means to incarcerate them to serve their sentences on labor gangs in the old traditions of chattel slavery. We should not be ashamed to remember them, especially those ancestors who died fighting to end slavery, ... or those who after Civil War was wo You can be a living disciple (not simply a vessel in the role of father or mother) by telling offspring your stories about past family voices now silent but etched in your soul. It includes links to other sites for African, European, and Native American heritage descendents, including actors, artists, fathers, mothers, preachers, teachers, scholars and writers among others relating to ancestry of given surnames. Many pages and images on site may be slower to load than you desire, but keep in mind that information being portrayed is designed for family patrons, not impatient surfers. And, at our best we are believers tempted to speculate about matters not known for certain but believed on the basis of evidence and imagination about thousands of cousins distant and near generations, ... Black, White, Mulatto and Native American. In which generation did the gifted one or ones come forth? Did they live a purpose driven life to help others? If so, we would welcome an opportunity to publish their story written by you. In particular we would like to know the names of your ancestors that served in the great Civil War that made it possible for you to be born free? Who died for you to be who you are? Unknown soul? |
Email: Editors, More Mary Matters bradyenterpriseassociation@gmail.comwith questions or comments about this web site. |