Mary Lee Brady, Ph.D. 

| | Adeline was born in Salem, Virginia attended elementary and high school therein and gained the reputation for being very bright and kind like her beloved grandmother and namesake Adeline Kyle. She gave birth to a son William fathered by Dr. Rufus Brown of Salem, Virginia, ...a man for whom she worked as a secretary in his medical practice. Dr. Brown was a graduate of Meharry Medical College in the class of 1908 as reflected on page 48 in the below link. Good morning Mr. Atkins, I found a Dr. William R. Brown, class of 1908, from Cleveland, Ohio on page 48 of the 1908 catalog and announcement http://library.mmc.edu/catalogues/MMC_1908_color.pdf. I cannot say for sure if this is him coming from Cleveland, Ohio, but it is as close as I could get. Please visit the link and thank you for your continue interest in the Meharry Medical College Library Archives Department. Christyne M. Douglas, MLIS, Archivist Meharry Medical College Library 1005 Dr. D. B. Todd Jr. Blvd. Nashville, TN 37208 cdouglas@mmc.edu (615) 327-6470 http://www.salemmuseum.org/guide_archives/HSV7N1.html#water "In any small community, the medical professionals play a crucial role. Dr. William Rufus Brown played that role for the Water Street Community. Born in Trinidad in the British West Indies, Brown came to Salem in 1911. Although he began in general practice, he eventually settled on becoming an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. In addition to his Salem practice, he was a leader on the staff of Roanoke's Burrell Memorial Hospital, the valley's premiere African American medical facility. Salem's only black physician, Dr. Brown went beyond a medical presence to serve as a civil leader as well. An active member of John Wesley Methodist Church, he was also involved in the local YMCA, NAACP, and the Salem Town and County Civic League. He was instrumental in the campaign to build Carver, and one of the men responsible for bringing Boy Scouts to Salem's black youth. He also was active in recruiting and registering black voters. His uncompensated membership of the Selective Service System won him citations by Presidents Roosevelt, Truman, and Eisenhower. He died in 1964." End of Quote 
Adeline moved to Pittsburgh in the early 1930s and bringing her son William to live with his Uncle William as she sought to establish a home for herself and son. She met and married a dynamic and very skilled construction worker and union member from Indiana named Lloyd Brown around year 1940. Marriage helped him to avoid the conscription for World War II as it had taken his brother during World War I. |
William Roger Frog Kyle Atkins-Brown |