| We Shall Overcome Began With Beliefs Inherited From Past Generations
Even before the Arab conquest over much of Africa beginning around the 34th generation struggles in the body and spirit of Jesus Christ: Jews, Moors, Sicilians, and other Mediterranean cultures often had young men enrich themselves by sailing down both coasts of Africa in search of wealth. Many pursued it by buying comely African young women as concubines to rich men; and young men castrated and sold as eunuchs. We emphasize that prior to birth of Jesus it was common practice in many cultures. Other younger girls were often purchased to be sold as chamber maids. Men lusting for the flesh of women was nothing new, but what made it appealing to slave traders was the willingness of African kings to trade young women in exchange for other matters. Few if any African cultures familiar to us had jails and prisons for violators of their laws enforced by kings, queens, wing chiefs and clan chieftains. It has been suggested that judgments of guilty were likely executed by fines, banishment, sale into slavery or death. Where so, transgressions within the clans made offenders subject to being kidnapped and taken away from their family, no appeal processes. The Arab conquerors raced across Africa spreading Islam under the banner of submit or die. Many Africans did so and converted to avoid death and/or slavery. By time of the very ruthless scheming of the Portuguese bishops and priests abandoned pursuit of Christ in the Congo during 15th and 16th centuries, African cultural mechanisms for the merciless international slave trade were well in place. In our view, the spiritual based movement to overcome the international slave trade began in the 57th generation in Christ.
For generation #65, his sermons often called up generations of the functional faith literally written in our inherited souls. King's appearance in second half of the 20th century was welcomed by functional believers in Africa, the Americas, Caribbean and Europe. We of his generation believe that what mattered most to Dr. King was the spirit that is not matter at all but our beliefs and faith. Like it or not, we are indeed part of all that we have met along the way to becoming us in the flesh. We do not have to be experts on DNA sampling to know women on right image are very much inter-related to us who live now because our spiritual existence tells us so. It takes a lot of arrogance to dare imagine we gave birth to the lives we lead; and even more ignorance to pre-suppose not knowing origins in order to avoid the topic. Men and women matter to comprehend that human beings are all born, not made by virtue of their status in life. Africa and Africans matter very much to educated and enlightened Americans, as does Europe and Asia because we perceive ourselves to matter. Believe it or not the functional faith of believers that brought about the better world we have inherited was not all one color, and no one knows the color, hair grade or even sexuality of Jesus. Assumptions and reasoning not joined to the functional faith are common among believers and non-believers. The very best of gifted and talented writers can only write about what has been seen and heard. Casting stones at the perpetrators of bad conditions has not changed their souls but they are gone away.
That power was sustainable by the matriarchal focused non-social service systems hinged on single mothers and their pre-adolescent children. And from 1876 to at least 1976, (3 generations) there were many men and women up from enslaved ancestors who perceived degenerating values of government enabled households that were not functional families. Most believers perceive families as the baseline for communities pursuant goodness which is believed to be sole purpose of Christianity. Forecasting futures is not functional Christianity, albeit faith, hope and love are certainly about futures yet to be given new potential generations born, not destroyed or made of degenerate values that have always existed. There is no lack of knowledge about young men killing each other, but rather the mystery of why not is in the functional faith proven true. Beginnings have to begin before motherhood empowerment to be or not to be in pursuit of goodness. The question is how? One cannot begin by long-term, mid-term and short-term hold harmless reviews of mothers, church and government benefactors. Some have been better than others, but none better than U.S. military pursuant teaming teen age young men. In the long-term, local, state and federal government itself are victims of bad and negligent motherhoods in the functional faith as to God, home and country. The costs are about a lot more than money, but rather the lost benefits to society not having young men available where and when they are needed in the homes and places of employment including the military services wherein ancestry matters to millions of Americans. So, mothers and births do matter as to what is generated in the metropolitan areas. Births Matter - Metropolitan Areas more-white-people-are-dying-than-are-being-born-in-17-states Believers of any classification or color can cross reference this page of table timelines that matter in deciphering causes and codes linked to generations in Christ. Since there are no living human beings that can physically trace their lineage back to HIM, it appears reasonable that such is obtainable only by faith that HIS cause is code able and reachable as many believers believe their ancestors did through functional faith. In our view, for purposes of this website, potential generations in #68 are still being born subject to their beliefs and free will to so be so. Like it or not, they are dependent upon their mothers, and fathers too, to indoctrinate them in the functional faith, albeit priests, preachers and teachers can be helpful and useful in the given cause of generating goodness. The Book of Matthew is our primary source model for devising generation tables based on the lifetime of Jesus in the flesh, about thirty years; and our supposition that each thirty years thereafter his life has inspired a new generation of believers in the pursuit of goodness espoused in and by him. We are mindful that institutional realities such as rape, slavery and wars produced centuries of births by girls in degenerating cycles far less than 30 years apart. michael jackson man in the mirror - Bing video Believe it or not. Life as we know it is generated to be and do in generating more energy and matter of life that can be measured to exist by various calendars such as the reign of kings and queens, great floods and disasters or even the Julian Calendar devised by the Romans during reign of Julius Caesar. Hebrews devised a calendar of people and events based on origins with the patriarch Prince Abram. By contrast, our calendar puts you, the researcher and writer, in the middle of what matters in pursuit of goodness. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_slaves For our purposes, we have devised a calendar of generations born about every thirty years since Jesus was generated for purposes we choose to believe in as our faith. The Lee brothers, born in generation #64 were fathered by Thomas Findley Lee of generation #62 who was descended from William Lee born in generation #59. Thomas Findley Lee, born 1859
Some people of African heritage (not all or even a majority) in America have the unique advantage and insight to research and tell stories and text about many known (58th - 64th generations) ancestors who believed in a Living Christ that empowered human beings to vanquish slavery in the Roman Empire, Africa, Caribbean and the Americas. Documentation is very clear that vast majority of Americans with functional power (not simply slave owners) in the 17th and 18th centuries believed that Whites had the natural rights to enslave Blacks of any color combination. But, early 19th century births and faith by a few like Douglass and Lincoln generated changes also documented. Roger B. Taney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The challenge for believers is to begin with what they know and believe, such as birth of Jesus and then work backwards through their fathers and mothers to find known lineage births that believed in HIM. It is a lot easier to track the flesh than spirit of what matters; but, we can begin with assumptive belief that all believers in the given philosophy of life are brothers and sisters in the body and spirit if they choose (have religious liberty) to be so. Functional modern uses of DNA science such as demonstrated by Dr. Louis Henry Gates is a relative path for finding connections to one's heritage in the faith. henry louis gates - Bing images Finding Your Roots PBS Fill in the blanks. Honor thy fathers and mothers by integrating them in the pursuit of goodness by others born in their generation? Maybe discuss history of your faith with growing boys and girls before they become alienated against what you believe? If you believe in integrating yourself in a community with other believers in spirit of goodness, at least visualize it beyond color and cause. Thus, Africa, America, Asia, Caribbean and Europe matter. Easier said than done! But, a lot of topics for writers to research and consider such as the "dark ages" from about the 13th to at least 57th generation of believers in the spirit of Goodness but excluding "the least of us." It matters to comprehend many men of might reasoned that Africans were not humans but a sub-species of beings: not to be joined in authorized beliefs or faith. The new writers quests are not needed to get over the past, but tell us how it was and is done so new generations can "keep the faith?" |
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