Easter is now and always was about the regeneration of faith, hope and love, ... though crushed to earth will rise again to help us generate new and better generations of mother and child in the functional faith too often neglected in the when, where, how and why of child raising.
Indeed, Jesus like any other person was born from womb of HIS mother who nurtured and inspired him to be and do good, ... as a model life in the making by mother and child. We believe such is and was a demonstration that to save and uplift the child we cannot ignore and neglect same for mother. The significance for scholars of African heritage is that far too many failed to project this basic belief factor in attempts by significant others, ... to motivate and educate children among "the least of us" in custody of uninspired, unmotivated and uneducated mothers.
Mahalia-Jackson-We-Shall-Overcome.htm Our challenge to the new generation of emerging scholars of African heritage is that they keep the faith in espousing knowledge about generations of goodness since birth and crucifixion of Jesus, and not be entrapped by make-believe pretentions and rhetoric from failed attempts about "power of any color." The philosophy of life originated in the teachings of Jesus ought not be ignored pursuant imitation of any ideology, or attempted movements such as we have seen and heard since climbing up from slavery. Easter is about more than organized religion. It defines our core beliefs.
The movement initiated by Jesus generated a philosophy of life that seemingly has been embraced by most enlightened and educated men and women who read and understand the Bible as Literature and other sources of information about human history. So, young scholar-believers ought not ignore Josephus who gives insight into why most attempted militant movements against entrenched power almost always fail to generate the change theoretically desired. So, what constitutes and who evaluates a successful movement? Was Marxism a successful movement? How many generations has it generated? Where? Our concern is that too many, perhaps even most, gifted and talented youth of African heritage are not being identified, nourished, inspired, motivated, educated and sent out to help uplift "the least of us." As Reverend Al Sharpton noted at the 2011 Trumpet Awards, we need to be focused on helping "the rest of us." We think the problem may be that most scholars have so little knowledge about actual beliefs and happenings in previous generations dating back and beyond the Transatlantic Slave Trade that most cannot even begin to comprehend what Jesus meant in the term "the least of us." Scholars of African heritage in particular ought to consider that Jesus meant people everywhere including the youth, mothers and others in Africa from wherein generations of people in anguish were sold into slavery in the Americas. And, "the rest of us" addressed in Al Sharpton's remarks are here, there and everywhere believers are found "waiting on the Lord." We think it is a good time to address the nature of genuine movements proved to be helpful and useful to humanity of all stripes and colors including Black, Brown, Red, White, Yellow and all other designations writers have used during the past few centuries. Christian activism that matters most to people of African heritage began in England wherein Protestant believers believed "the least of us" were worthy in the body and spirit of Jesus Christ. In our view, the term "movement" has been often been misused by the less educated and unenlightened about the dictionary meaning. There are bad movements in pursuit of wealth, pleasure and power; and there are good movements seeking life, liberty and pursuit of happiness/goodness. We make this point to remind youth that pundits of the past, present or future in the name of religion or ideology who profess to generate movements for goodness by simple or singular short-term initiatives, ... almost, if not always, begin by attempting to redefine definitions for states of nature such as "movement."
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