| Mary X Robinson, born abt 1774 is unknown but obviously must have existed? The data we gathered about Samuel Robinson led us to the obvious question as to who his mother, siblings and even father might have been. The only thing we know for certain is that he did have a mother, and because he was born a slave, his mother was officially classified a slave; otherwise he would have been born free perhaps even a free White male. The scenario on the birth of slaves is an amazing story on the minds of men with might to make rights; but, also about mothers who ultimately triumphed over mean men. So our Mary X Robinson story is that of many millions of young women who gave birth to slaves, often fathered by their White owners and/or studded to generate babies until they could do so no more. Their stories of "colored girls" dwarf any tales told by modern writers who have never researched or grasped the enormity of women forced or otherwise encouraged to conceive lives of slaves. What we have to wonder is that if these women had not given birth to men we know to have come forth, ... could the emancipation proclamation ever have come into existence? Without the young men born of young women in pain and sadness, could the legions of metered men for waging war become available to end the hated institution?
Separate but equal in their power of life and death over helpless village victims, ... the traders chose successful ventures over any love of God non-believers might choose to imagine. These horrible men acted during times that tales of woe can barely describe the horror of it all.
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