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Mary Lee Brady, Ph.D.










The same "Great Brits" that established Jamestown, Virginia colonists were also great planners and profiteers in establishing a slave acquisition and supply source on James Island in the Gambia they had conquered for such requirements.  It is rather stupid to believe such activities on either continent could or did occur without royal approval and support of the royalty.

For African-Americans who love the game of "Invitation Bridge" and various copycat bid games it might be enlightening for them to understand the who, why and when it was a design by great men and women of might and means to partner and win at all costs.  The British royalty  had the unique foresight to partner in endeavors that not only made them more rich and powerful but also generated more aristocrats loyal to them.  The Tudor dynasty of amazing kings and queens made Great Britain what it became, ... an Island Kingdom that ruled the seas and many lands by adventurous young men often motivated by sheer fear of their aristocratic superiors. 

British sailors routinely performed mighty feats at sea braving stormy weather and ocean waves to mount their sails on tall masks not simply because they were brave; but, more likely fear of royal punishment awaiting those judged cowards at sea. Places like James Island Gambia had many chiefs who heard thunders and saw fires and destruction that occurred when British ships fired canon balls into their midst; and they quickly partnered with British slave traders who offered them invitations to partner and bid for survival or destruction.  Most coastal Chieftains in Africa bid for personal survival, not triumphs to keep African youth free of the hell on earth that awaited them.

Virginia Slave Trade in the 18th Century, 1727-1769

A User's Guide to the Machine Readable Data File  Code book

By any stretch of the imagination during centuries of the trans-Atlantic slave, ... it was an abomination and satanic in the eyes of those who suffered it. 

Code as follows:

1 - N.J.
2 - Rhode Island
3 - N.Y.
4 - New Hampshire
5 - Philadelphia
6 - Boston
7 - New England
8 - Pa.
9 - Conn. (W. Haven)

10 - Williamsburg, Va.
11 - Virginia (undifferentiated)
12 - Md.
13 - Port Royal
14 - Accomack
15 - Charles Town (S.C.)
16 - Georgia
17 - South Carolina

Home Port of Vessel
(See attached sheet for code. Same code to be
used for Ports of Construction, Registration
and Origin)
Project No.
(Code 4)
Landing No.
(Code ship's landings in chronological order of
appearance on Naval lists, 001-644)
Date of Landing
(Month 01-12)
(Day, code actual number)
(Year, code last two digits, i.e., 27 for 1727)

Ship's Name
(First three letters of Ship's name)
Master's Initials
(Initials of First and Last Name)
Owner's Name
(Initials of First and Last Name)
Type of Vessel
1 -- Ship (Understood)
2 -- Galley
3 -- Sloop
4 -- Snow
5 -- Brig
6 & 8 -- Frigat
7 -- Packet
Ship's Tonnage
(Code actual number)
Ship's Port of Construction
(See attached sheet for code)
Year of Construction
(Code last two digits of year)
Ship's Port of Registration
(See attached code sheet)
Year of Registration
(Code last two digits of year)
Type of Owner
1 -- Private Individual
2 -- Company
Number of Slaves Carried
(Code actual number given)
Origins of Slaves
(See attached sheet)
Virginia Port of Arrival
1 -- Lower James
2 -- Rappahonnock
3 -- York River
4 -- Hampton
5 -- South Potomack
6 -- Upper James
7 -- James River
8 -- Accomak
9 -- Upper James

Code Used for Home Port, Port of Construction, Port of Registration and Port of Origin

Spanish and Portuguese trade firms were often referred to by the English sea-captains as "Castro's" and apparently some Jewish owned firms were called "Mitnicks" though the origins are uncertain.  It would be helpful if descendents in the Americas and Caribbean opened their family histories to help writers gain a better understanding as to the mechanics of "The Abomination" that followed "The Inquisitions" and preceded "The Holocaust."

We have no certainty as to whose ancestral hands were clean? What is certain however is the reality all slave trading firms operated within the slave castles and slave castle zones established by European monarchs like James I of England.  These monarchs owned the castles and more often than not paid certain annual tributes to the local chieftains and kings to buy their cooperation and concurrence in the horrors of buying and selling human beings.  Excellent records were maintained and royalties paid!

The horror of the African Abomination is that it did not seek to kill bodies, ... but rather during the raiding aspects African Chieftains licensed thousands of traders who employed tens of thousands of godless young men to raid hundreds of thousands of fishing and farming villages.  Horrors that raged from the fifteenth through most of nineteenth century was made further unholy by trading aspects to decimate family ties in order to secure slaves without any recourse or alternatives. 

This so-called  "breaking process" was godless rationalization by both Christian and Jewish merchants who sold millions of human beings to several hundred thousand colonial slave owners such as Francis Eppes, ... and his aspiring would-be aristocratic offspring generations of cash-poor tobacco plantation owners totally dependent upon credits received from London for accepted shipments.  And, when pressed for cash expenditures the alternative source was normally the sale of slave offspring born in their care. 

As Madison noted, slave owners did not hesitate to sell slave children even those six years of age or as often happened, ... nursing mothers if the price was right from a buyer desperate for a wet nurse to feed a feeble wife's newborn child.  Slave women with plentiful breast milk were viewed as human cows, ... and a good price in the market-place.

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Last modified: 12/29/16