Women like Nancy Lee and her grand-daughter Nancy, wondered and believed that Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth were of, by and for that same spirit in the cause of goodness. A earthly trinity, seen and heard, for believers to wonder about: men and women who were born, nurtured, inspired and motivated to be functional disciples in the Living Christ. Perhaps there was or is an algorithm in the functional faith teaming different age-groups/generations in the same functional cause? We raise the question not about religion but beliefs held dear by past, present and future generations, like the adventurous faithful Lee Generations Women like Nancy Lee and her grand-daughter Nancy, wondered and believed that Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth were of, by and for that same spirit in the cause of goodness. A earthly trinity, seen and heard, for believers to wonder about: men and women who were born, nurtured, inspired and motivated to be functional disciples in the Living Christ. Perhaps there was or is an algorithm in the functional faith teaming different age-groups/generations in the same functional cause? We raise the question not about religion but beliefs held dear by past generations, like the Akans. If mass media writers, producers, directors and performers do not understand victories in Christ are not pursuit of glory or power: what about "the least of us? " What is it they do not understand? Who writes the stories they read? Or music new mothers hear? It matters that new generations understand the vast philosophical differences between Martin Luther King, Jr. and those who opposed him. What did Frederick Douglass believe? Do beliefs matter? More than courage? More than faith? More than hope? More than love? How do writers and actors characterize beliefs they do not have, want nor believe any of "the least of us" ever had in overcoming historic bad news? Sort of like the term coined by basketball champion Bill Bradley in his book "Moving Without the Ball." Indeed, pursuit of goodness is not simply about slam dunks or sermons. It 's about what matters in making matters better and more fruitful and digestible for new generations. Below Jeffersonian minded overview link to various site timelines and topics is intended to help new writers grasp that rebellion in pursuit of goodness spans generations and is not "Gone With The Wind" or "Color Purple" analogies that are box-office success and help shape public attitudes facing new generations. We believe there are many thousands of non-antebellum and non-urban fiction stories yet to be written and told by new generations ignorant of fathers that mattered in overcoming "whatever, when and where." For example, who, how, when and where did young men like William Lee, born abt 1756, a very well-known patriot, learn about the gospels of Jesus Christ: distinguished from dominant Judeo-Christian beliefs? The British account of the French and Indian defeat of General James Braddock offers some insight about the likely life-style and experiences of William Lee's father. We, his descendents proclaim here and now that John Lee was his father and William had the God-given right, like Madison Hemings to believe himself born of a known patriot father and mother! And, the courage to say so, and tell offspring. Our research at Mount Vernon and beyond sought answers to many questions. Question #1 always is: how does goodness come into existence? Was William Lee, born abt 1756 born with cavalry traits inherited from the man he believed was his father John Lee, born abt 1724 a veteran of the French and Indian War: or simply made by horse mounted master George Washington to be a Hollywood imagined faithful and loyal riding companion "Tonto?" Or, as we descendents dare to believe: Lee was one of some three dozen future military Aides de Camp to George Washington as the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army of some three hundred thousand young men inclusive of Native Americans like the Ceasar Generations young men below.
And there were more than 5,000 free, indentured and enslaved Black and Mulatto men like William Lee: years before enactment of U.S. constitution in 1787 codified him as less than others, and helped inspire the coming of ante-bellum winds that blew in engulfing three generations (abt. 1770 - 1860) of constant movements by Black, Mulatto, Native and White Americans. While most women were more or less stabilized free or enslaved, the majority of young men moved about as property, others as dispersals, and the rest as owners and agents of change. Understanding this period of American history gives new generations of believers better insight as to why some ancestors (not all) came to believe in a "Living Christ." Many believed their witness generated births of thousands of functional saviors like Douglass, Lincoln and the .... Emancipation Patriots they saw and heard in the flesh.
And, he was thus linked (like the biblical fathers) to successor generations via natural means and methods not subject to empirical data based reasoning of scholars: born two centuries later without a heritage to even contemplate revolutionary happenings that happened in America among a lot of people like William Lee who believed in a "Living Christ." In fact, a mystery in Lee's faith is that his descendents have numbered far more than that of any signer of the 1787 constitution that defined him as three-fifths of a person: categorized and classified as chattel property to be bought and sold. Their beliefs were without modern formations or pronounced visions (not unlike the biblical Hebrews before they had any rabbi dwellings and organized leadership); but there occurred a revolutionary fervor in hearts and minds of a number of men like William Lee without church buildings and well-fed circuit preachers/bishops. When William Lee was born, people of his color and kind had no functional authority or rights to believe anything other than what individual slave owners, such as George Washington, allowed them to believe. Descendents of William Lee claim the rights to not believe many Americans such as Robert E. Lee who reasoned slavery to be modified goodness. We have reasoned our cousin did not know: what he did not want to know about slavery and y-chromosomes. Nancy Lee (Carter) born abt 1774 Ann Hill Carter, born 1773 So, the stories still need to be researched and written as to how beliefs in a Living Christ came into existence among men like William Lee. Who told him and them about Jesus, as the Living Christ. Why such a love affair that has spanned generations? Was it the young inspired Francis Asbury who came from England to America in 1771 to spread a revolution that included Harry Hosier his wagon driver (above right) who may have preached to William Lee? Certainly not churches that believed and defended Judeo-Christian doctrines that established and sustained American chattel slavery in his life-time. Our approach seeks to join reasoning to our inherited functional faith that spirit of goodness (Living Christ) spans multiple generations .... ignored by beneficiary generations (# 65-66) historians, writers and even lawyers like Clarence Thomas who has proclaimed "I am an American who just happened to be born Black." But, he is a reminder as to why more than a century was required to generate a rebellious spirit in enough X and Y sources chromosomes for a functional revolution in body and spirit; albeit the vast majority sat still and quiet perhaps waiting to be enlightened and educated to be free to think. Thomas has three years of law school on his resume, but apparently knows little or nothing about physical and meta-physical revolutions and revolutionary thinking about and among "the least of us." We think it matters as to what was seen and heard (including women, wars and liberties), and held dear by some ancestors who we believe: believed in a ever-present Living Christ, not evidenced by generations of offspring almost too numerous to count even though intent of many founding father lawyers, like James Madison (picture on right) was to hold harmless their numbers by reclassifying them as less than men. Our philosophical approach to research is that one has to seek goodness to be found via His coaching : 1. Love GOD; 2. Honor thy mothers and fathers; and, 3. Do unto others as we would have them do unto us. So we began by keeping it simple: Where, when and which ancestors loved GOD? Did they seek to honor their mothers and fathers? How? Justice Thomas to his historical shame avoids discussing this functional Christian mandate, as do many others, by praising some Catholic Nuns as though a legitimate substitute in his adopted faith. We do not know what his inherited faith was, but want him to comprehend that his ancestral DNA in the spirit of Christ obviously mattered more than nationality. We urge that Thomas and others who can afford it to seek Christ in their DNA chain, and perhaps honor memories of HIM seen and heard. Many Lee descendents know and believe they too are sons and daughters of the American Revolution in which their ancestor William Lee honorably served with, for and by the side of George Washington. Master opportunists like Clarence Thomas have always avoided and slept through revolutionary generations in pursuit of goodness. Both Black and White, Native and Hispanic, in Church and State, they are: more like Roman autocrats, not revolutionaries. Many have made clear they do not want to know America's moral heritage included some "least of us" mothers and fathers in pursuit of goodness. We are determined to honor our diverse African, Native-American and European heritage in America such as our ancestor Lee Lowry, born 1863 whose great-grandfather William Boggs Lowry, born abt 1744 also served in the revolutionary war of 1775-1883. And, we have also inherited his victory alongside George Washington. The site seeks to historically note and outline stories about ... our beloved ancestors Thomas Findley Lee, born 1859 the son of Nancy Lee Banister, born abt 1825 portrait on top right, daughter of Rose (Carter) Lee, born 1788 and grand-daughter of William Lee, born abt 1756 documented by George Washington for his Relative Issues armed body guard service in the revolutionary war of 1775-1783. And, yes he helped row the boat that carried George Washington to fame and glory. It matters to us that our ancestor William Lee, in harms way, crossed the Delaware River with George Washington. Thomas F. Lee seated in picture on left was proud to be a great grandson of William Lee, patriot and grandfather to his (below right image) patriot grandson and my cousin William (Billy) Lee born in 1929. Billy and I grew up together in Pittsburgh and heard family stories about our ancestor William Lee as the mail carrier for Mount Vernon; and like his father who was a mail carrier William Henry Lee, born 1894 during World War I in France and the U.S. Postal Service, he also became a postal employee after his honorable discharge from military service. He joined his father and uncles as functional benefactors to American society, not simply color-coded beneficiaries. Note: Naming of William Henry Lee likely suggested by Nancy Lee Banister, born abt 1825 who died in 1912 knew Lee (White) histories as her own. Paul Hemings Butler Lee Brady William Lee, 1929-1972 We too are descendents of a man who was also a believer, American patriot and revolutionary war veteran; more than simply a slave and valet as described by most race-matters historians. William Lee served honorably in the First American Revolution along with others of his color and kind we dare not forget without diminishing our own sense of self and offspring as Americans who have also served. To me and mine, he was a functional human being, much more than a Margaret Mitchell definition of a ante-bellum slave. He was also a horse-mounted mailman, and valued by the Mount Vernon residents like George and Martha Washington. I dare not remember my dear cousin Billy, accidentally killed in an auto accident while doing his job as a mailman: without recalling that my famed ancestor William Lee also experienced postal service accidents. Not surprising we have found that artists, churchmen and writers of fiction are not now and have seldom been inclusive of African-Americans as benefactors in American history and society. Too many have redefined slaves and their descendents as creatures/sources of nothingness, and post Civil Rights era affirmative action privileges in "people of color" analogies that exclude functional men like them. Their X and Y chromosomes matter more than most writers care to research.
existing in America and Africa. If mass media writers, producers, directors and performers do not understand victories in Christ are not pursuit of glory or power: what about "the least of us? " What is it they do not understand? Who writes the stories they read? Or music new mothers hear? It matters that new generations understand the vast philosophical differences between Martin Luther King, Jr. and those who opposed him. What did Frederick Douglass believe? Do beliefs matter? More than courage? More than faith? More than hope? More than love? How do writers and actors characterize beliefs they do not have, want nor believe any of "the least of us" ever had in overcoming historic bad news? Sort of like the term coined by basketball champion Bill Bradley in his book "Moving Without the Ball." Indeed, pursuit of goodness is not simply about slam dunks or sermons. It 's about what matters in making matters better and more fruitful and digestible for new generations. Below Jeffersonian minded overview link to various site timelines and topics is intended to help new writers grasp that rebellion in pursuit of goodness spans generations and is not "Gone With The Wind" or "Color Purple" analogies that are box-office success and help shape public attitudes facing new generations. We believe there are many thousands of non-antebellum and non-urban fiction stories yet to be written and told by new generations ignorant of fathers that mattered in overcoming "whatever, when and where." For example, who, how, when and where did young men like William Lee, born abt 1756, a very well-known patriot, learn about the gospels of Jesus Christ: distinguished from dominant Judeo-Christian beliefs? The British account of the French and Indian defeat of General James Braddock offers some insight about the likely life-style and experiences of William Lee's father. We, his descendents proclaim here and now that John Lee was his father and William had the God-given right, like Madison Hemings to believe himself born of a known patriot father and mother! And, the courage to say so, and tell offspring. Our research at Mount Vernon and beyond sought answers to many questions. Question #1 always is: how does goodness come into existence? Was William Lee, born abt 1756 born with cavalry traits inherited from the man he believed was his father John Lee, born abt 1724 a veteran of the French and Indian War: or simply made by horse mounted master George Washington to be a Hollywood imagined faithful and loyal riding companion "Tonto?" Or, as we descendents dare to believe: Lee was one of some three dozen future military Aides de Camp to George Washington as the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army of some three hundred thousand young men inclusive of Native Americans like the Ceasar Generations young men below.
And there were more than 5,000 free, indentured and enslaved Black and Mulatto men like William Lee: years before enactment of U.S. constitution in 1787 codified him as less than others, and helped inspire the coming of ante-bellum winds that blew in engulfing three generations (abt. 1770 - 1860) of constant movements by Black, Mulatto, Native and White Americans. While most women were more or less stabilized free or enslaved, the majority of young men moved about as property, others as dispersals, and the rest as owners and agents of change. Understanding this period of American history gives new generations of believers better insight as to why some ancestors (not all) came to believe in a "Living Christ." Many believed their witness generated births of thousands of functional saviors like Douglass, Lincoln and the .... Emancipation Patriots they saw and heard in the flesh.
And, he was thus linked (like the biblical fathers) to successor generations via natural means and methods not subject to empirical data based reasoning of scholars: born two centuries later without a heritage to even contemplate revolutionary happenings that happened in America among a lot of people like William Lee who believed in a "Living Christ." In fact, a mystery in Lee's faith is that his descendents have numbered far more than that of any signer of the 1787 constitution that defined him as three-fifths of a person: categorized and classified as chattel property to be bought and sold. Their beliefs were without modern formations or pronounced visions (not unlike the biblical Hebrews before they had any rabbi dwellings and organized leadership); but there occurred a revolutionary fervor in hearts and minds of a number of men like William Lee without church buildings and well-fed circuit preachers/bishops. When William Lee was born, people of his color and kind had no functional authority or rights to believe anything other than what individual slave owners, such as George Washington, allowed them to believe. Descendents of William Lee claim the rights to not believe many Americans such as Robert E. Lee who reasoned slavery to be modified goodness. We have reasoned our cousin did not know: what he did not want to know about slavery and y-chromosomes. Nancy Lee (Carter) born abt 1774 Ann Hill Carter, born 1773 So, the stories still need to be researched and written as to how beliefs in a Living Christ came into existence among men like William Lee. Who told him and them about Jesus, as the Living Christ. Why such a love affair that has spanned generations? Was it the young inspired Francis Asbury who came from England to America in 1771 to spread a revolution that included Harry Hosier his wagon driver (above right) who may have preached to William Lee? Certainly not churches that believed and defended Judeo-Christian doctrines that established and sustained American chattel slavery in his life-time. Our approach seeks to join reasoning to our inherited functional faith that spirit of goodness (Living Christ) spans multiple generations .... ignored by beneficiary generations (# 65-66) historians, writers and even lawyers like Clarence Thomas who has proclaimed "I am an American who just happened to be born Black." But, he is a reminder as to why more than a century was required to generate a rebellious spirit in enough X and Y sources chromosomes for a functional revolution in body and spirit; albeit the vast majority sat still and quiet perhaps waiting to be enlightened and educated to be free to think. Thomas has three years of law school on his resume, but apparently knows little or nothing about physical and meta-physical revolutions and revolutionary thinking about and among "the least of us." We think it matters as to what was seen and heard (including women, wars and liberties), and held dear by some ancestors who we believe: believed in a ever-present Living Christ, not evidenced by generations of offspring almost too numerous to count even though intent of many founding father lawyers, like James Madison (picture on right) was to hold harmless their numbers by reclassifying them as less than men. Our philosophical approach to research is that one has to seek goodness to be found via His coaching : 1. Love GOD; 2. Honor thy mothers and fathers; and, 3. Do unto others as we would have them do unto us. So we began by keeping it simple: Where, when and which ancestors loved GOD? Did they seek to honor their mothers and fathers? How? Justice Thomas to his historical shame avoids discussing this functional Christian mandate, as do many others, by praising some Catholic Nuns as though a legitimate substitute in his adopted faith. We do not know what his inherited faith was, but want him to comprehend that his ancestral DNA in the spirit of Christ obviously mattered more than nationality. We urge that Thomas and others who can afford it to seek Christ in their DNA chain, and perhaps honor memories of HIM seen and heard. Many Lee descendents know and believe they too are sons and daughters of the American Revolution in which their ancestor William Lee honorably served with, for and by the side of George Washington. Master opportunists like Clarence Thomas have always avoided and slept through revolutionary generations in pursuit of goodness. Both Black and White, Native and Hispanic, in Church and State, they are: more like Roman autocrats, not revolutionaries. Many have made clear they do not want to know America's moral heritage included some "least of us" mothers and fathers in pursuit of goodness. We are determined to honor our diverse African, Native-American and European heritage in America such as our ancestor Lee Lowry, born 1863 whose great-grandfather William Boggs Lowry, born abt 1744 also served in the revolutionary war of 1775-1883. And, we have also inherited his victory alongside George Washington. The site seeks to historically note and outline stories about ... our beloved ancestors Thomas Findley Lee, born 1859 the son of Nancy Lee Banister, born abt 1825 portrait on top right, daughter of Rose (Carter) Lee, born 1788 and grand-daughter of William Lee, born abt 1756 documented by George Washington for his Relative Issues armed body guard service in the revolutionary war of 1775-1783. And, yes he helped row the boat that carried George Washington to fame and glory. It matters to us that our ancestor William Lee, in harms way, crossed the Delaware River with George Washington. Thomas F. Lee seated in picture on left was proud to be a great grandson of William Lee, patriot and grandfather to his (below right image) patriot grandson and my cousin William (Billy) Lee born in 1929. Billy and I grew up together in Pittsburgh and heard family stories about our ancestor William Lee as the mail carrier for Mount Vernon; and like his father who was a mail carrier William Henry Lee, born 1894 during World War I in France and the U.S. Postal Service, he also became a postal employee after his honorable discharge from military service. He joined his father and uncles as functional benefactors to American society, not simply color-coded beneficiaries. Note: Naming of William Henry Lee likely suggested by Nancy Lee Banister, born abt 1825 who died in 1912 knew Lee (White) histories as her own. Paul Hemings Butler Lee Brady William Lee, 1929-1972 We too are descendents of a man who was also a believer, American patriot and revolutionary war veteran; more than simply a slave and valet as described by most race-matters historians. William Lee served honorably in the First American Revolution along with others of his color and kind we dare not forget without diminishing our own sense of self and offspring as Americans who have also served. To me and mine, he was a functional human being, much more than a Margaret Mitchell definition of a ante-bellum slave. He was also a horse-mounted mailman, and valued by the Mount Vernon residents like George and Martha Washington. I dare not remember my dear cousin Billy, accidentally killed in an auto accident while doing his job as a mailman: without recalling that my famed ancestor William Lee also experienced postal service accidents. Not surprising we have found that artists, churchmen and writers of fiction are not now and have seldom been inclusive of African-Americans as benefactors in American history and society. Too many have redefined slaves and their descendents as creatures/sources of nothingness, and post Civil Rights era affirmative action privileges in "people of color" analogies that exclude functional men like them. Their X and Y chromosomes matter more than most writers care to research.
Email: Editors, More Mary Matters bradyenterpriseassociation@gmail.comwith questions or comments about this web site. |