| We have shortened and revised our More Mary Matters home-page to include discussion topics in menu on the left of this page; and listed on forum topics for participation at http:///bradyenterpriseassociation.org Time is mysteriously not matter excepting in a Hollywood movie; but it matters to scientists that our earth is at least two billion years old, and inhabited by many life-forms before our human origins, including the dinosaurs that died out over 100 million years ago likely destroyed by devouring one another and climate change. Whatever the truth, it is a mystery in our faith that we as human beings exist at all.
And, gifted minds only of the past hundred years have been able to research and define human functional histories more or less for the past hundred thousand years that evolved into thousands of power based empires and kingdoms covering the earth; all overcome by empowerment of who, when, where and why? For believers both Christmas and Easter are about functional beginnings in the generation and pursuit of goodness. Who says "just get over it?" Certainly not functional believers we know. For gifted and talented readers and writers, the Bible as Literature is very important literature to comprehend, not due to its historical accuracy; but because it demonstrates scholarly approaches in Mesopotamian cultural dynamics that evolved during at least a thousand years seeking knowledge and understanding. The successor Hebrew writers and scholars were part of this dynamic cultural evolution as discussed below about divine intervention; and ultimately Hebrew writings about old testament beliefs, integrated while the Jews were held captive in Babylon. Epic of Gilgamesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bad attitudes and behaviors embraced much if not all the people and places known to exist inside kingdoms evolved into empires by conquests and enslavements of millions, including Hebrews that evolved as offspring of Syrian Prince Abram living in Egyptian Empire during its era of conquests some five thousand years ago. A Libyan, a Nubian, a Syrian, and an Egyptian, drawing by an unknown artist after a mural of the tomb of Seti I. And, in our view most of it was extremely degenerating prior to Christmas Day that began generations in pursuit of ever-lasting life for human kind that Harry Belafonte sang about. The mystery in our functional faith is that empowerment is derived from functional power of GOD that no one can see because such is not matter that can be seen and measured even in the context of time itself.
It has always been the challenge of generations in pursuit of knowledge and understanding epitomized by Booker T. Washington and Andrew Carnegie in picture below taken with Tuskegee faculty (including George Washington Carver) to help cure millions of people only three decades up from slavery and dependent upon the gifted and talented believers in the functional faith. Booker T. was successful in recruiting many gifted and talented disciples who espoused and built institutions that trained tens of thousands adherents during his life-time. Such institutions were very much churches in the functional faith, evidenced by Presbyterian style chapel attendance at least twice a week including Thanksgiving Sunday mornings. Believe it or not, there were also some gifted and talented African-Americans born in the same generation as Booker T. who simply could not bring themselves to believe training young men and women to possess marketable skills mattered as much, if not more, than admission, attendance and graduation from a prestigious university like Harvard or Yale. The one to two percent gifted births such as Dr. DuBois rejected beliefs that fates of the few should be inter-dependent and determined by existence of needy multitudes of brothers and sisters in Christ not up from cultural dynamics of chattel slavery. Their stories matter including Andrew Carnegie who was the first world industrialist to pay equal/standard wages to laboring men of African heritage. It was affirmative action, and opponents called them scabs and damned Carnegie for daring to imagine racial equality. We welcome potential partners to access and use non-profit forum and discussion site in pursuit of what matters. Each Forum Topic listed on left menu is available for your password access and use via clicking on respective menu topic we have chosen based on this website (More Mary Matters) You may access the site at: http://bradyenterpriseassociation.org The intent is to help generate a network of gifted and talented viewers in publishing their comments and other literary products including Blogs, Youtube, and Facebook, etc. Your themes and loglines under copyright or research and development are welcome on site. How to write a logline / script logline As a non-profit corporation, we aspire to expand our technology linked strategy of professional partners sharing functional faith to help themselves while generating change among "the least of us." The network administrator is Sandor Santos, an IT professional and will be happy to help you if needed, including building your own website applications using the JOOMLA application tools hosting our site. JOOMLA is very sophisticated but simple to use and we suggest that partners review capabilities tutorial at: Our http://bradyenterpriseassociation.org is hosting the Forum Topic contributions by password access viewers. For those partners already having a website or blog, send the link to us and we will post it on this page. |
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