Mary Lee Brady, Ph.D. 

| | Cottingham Patriots TOM EDWARDS Port Republic, NJ I'm a descendant of Moses PARKER and in a collateral line to the COTTINGHAMs. You are welcome to post the below message to the list if you think it would help. I'll be working with Jeff MOORE, a PARKER/COTTINGHAM descendant, who is also on this list. "Documenting the descendants (and their migrations across the south) of the twenty-two children of Moses PARKER, b 26 Aug 1744, VA, d 12 Nov 1830, Marlboro Co., SC. A grand daughter, Nancy PARKER, b 3 Feb 1796, Marlboro Co., SC, d. 22 Jul 1873, Bibb Co., AL, married Elisha COTTINGHAM Sr. Nancy was the daughter of John PARKER and Sarah BROWN. Several BROWN, COTTINGHAM and PARKER families moved from Marlboro Co., SC, and adjoining Richmond (now Scotland) Co., NC, to Humphreys Co., TN, and then to Bibb Co., AL. This list was recommended to me by a fellow researcher who is also a member." 1. | George Cottingham, immigrant, b. about 1615, England | 2. | Thomas Cottingham, b. about 1640 in Accomack Co., VA m. in Somerset Co. MD. 8 July 1666 to Mary Dixon, daughter of Ambrose Dixon, he d. before 28 August 1688 | 3. | Jonathan Cottingham, b 1683 probably in Somerset Co. MD, m. Margaret Cox, d. about 1762 in MD | 4. | Jonathan Cottingham, b. abt 1710 in MD, m. Lydia Turbet (?) about 1745 in Worcester Co. MD | 5. | Charles Cottingham, Sr., b. about 1750 in Murderkill Hundred, Kent Co. DE, m. about 1780 Nancy Ann Conner (?) in Marlborough District, SC, d. 1817 in Marlborough District SC | 6. | Charles Cottingham, Jr. b. about 1780 m. Margaret Cottingham (cousin) | 7. | Daniel Cottingham, b. about 1804, m. Lucy Wright 24 November 1829, d. after 1880 in Lawrence Co. AL | 8. | William J. Cottingham, b. about 1838 in Lawrence Co. AL, m. Nancy Caroline Nelson 15 June 1859 in Lawrence Co. AL, d. 1865 - supposedly in Civil War - she drew a Union pension on him. | 9. | Samuel Marvin Cottinghame, b 01 April 1860 in Macedonia, Morgan Co. AL, m. 25 January 1881 in Lawrence Co. AL to Roseann S. Thrasher, d. 07 April 1914 Last entry is great grandfather of my husband |
ROBERT "BOB" LEITNER Hagerstown, MD 1. | Thomas Cottingham, son of George Cottingham, b. @1640 in Accomack Co., VA; m. Mary Dixon, dau. of Ambros Dixon and Mary Wilson, 8 Jul 1666 in Somerset Co., MD. | 2. | Jonathan Cottingham I, son of Thomas Cottingham and Mary Dixon, b. @1683 in Somerset Co., MD; m. Margaret Cox, dau. of James and Margaret Cox, b. 2 Nov 1680 in Pyckawaxon, Charles Co., MD. | 3. | Jonathan Cottingham II, son of Jonathan Cottingham and Margaret Cox, b. @1709 in Somerset Co., MD; m. Lydia (Dill ?) @1738 in Somerset Co., MD. | 4. | Thomas Cottingham Sr., son of Jonathan Cottingham II and Lydia (Dill?), b. @1740 in Somerset Co., MD; m. Ashley _____; @1762 in Kent Co., DE. | 5. | Thomas Cottingham Jr., son of Thomas Cottingham Sr. and wife Ashley, b. @1763 in Kent Co., DE; m. Jane Harllee, dau. of Peter Harllee and Jane Leake, b.@1763 Lunenburg Co.,VA. | 6. | Lucretia Cottingham, dau. of Thomas Cottingham Jr.and Jane Harllee, b. @1790 at Little Rock, SC; m. William Dillon II, son of William Dillon I and Mary Blackwell, b. @1800 in Marlboro Dist., SC. | 7. | Martha Ann Dillon, dau. of William Dillon II and Lucretia Cottingham, b. 19 Sep 1824 at Little Rock, SC; m. John Proctor, son of Frederick Proctor and Gemima McClam, b. 25 Dec 1822 in Marlboro Co., SC. | 8. | Maria Proctor, dau. of John Proctor and Martha Ann Dillon, b. 19 Mar 1857 at Little Rock, SC, m. Thomas Jacob Leitner, son of Jacob Leitner Jr. and Charlotte Souter, b. 21 May 1850 in Fairfield Co., SC. | 9. | John Proctor Leitner, son of Thomas Jacob Leitner and Maria Proctor, b. 9 Nov 1891 at Anthony, Marion, FL, m. Blanche Gertrude Connell, dau. of Robert Hinton Connell and Mary Isabelle Hicks, b. 2 Dec 1900 in Tampa, Hillsborough, FL. (these are my parents) | LYN MOORE Mobile, Alabama I am a descendant of: 1st Generation: Thomas Cottingham and Mary Dixon; 2nd Generation: Jonathan Cottingham/Margaret Cox; 3rd Generation: Charles Cottingham/_____?; 4th Generation: Elisha Cottingham 1/____?; 5th Generation: Elisha Cottingham II/Nancy Parker; 6th Generation: Appy Caroline Cottingham/Frances Marion Trucks; 7th Generation: Joseph Marion Trucks/Elizabeth J.Lindsey; 8th Generation: Ada Magnolia Trucks/Cephas Allen McCay; 9th Generation: Charles Alton McCay/Dorothy Ann Whitson; 10th Generation: Lynda Dian McCay/William Gerald Moore. I am the 10th generation (Lynda McCay Moore). live in Mobile, Alabama. DONNA CAUSEY Shelby County, Alabama I am new to the Cottingham list and I'm very excited about being connected with other researchers and possibly family. I live in Calera in Shelby County, Alabama and my mother is Ella Katherine Cottingham. Our line is from Elisha Cottingham line which settled in Bibb County, Alabama around 1817. I believe my Elisha was the son of Charles Cottingham of North Carolina but I still have not been able to actually document this information due to a gap between 1790 and 1817. I believe he stayed in Tennessee those missing years but actual documentation has eluded me. I do have documentation from 1817 to today. In 1817 or before Elisha Cottingham Sr, came to Alabama with his four sons William, Charles, John and Elisha, Jr. (Elisha, Jr. is my line). . John went to southeast Alabama. Charles is found in Bibb County in the 1830's. Elisha, Jr. stayed in Bibb County. William stayed in Bibb County until at least 1835. He disappears after then. William was a well-known Methodist Circuit Minister. When the Cottinghams got here, they immediately established a Methodist church in 1819. This church was called "Cottingham's Church" until around 1840. The name was changed to Wesley Chapel and it was active until about 1990. It is still in there in the woods and is used for singings and homecomings. There is a Cottingham cemetery in the woods which contains the graves of Elisha Jr., his wife Nancy (Parker) Cottingham and their children. John, William, Charles and Elisha Sr. do not have a marked grave in Bibb County. If anyone can provide me with information on Elisha and Nancy (Parker) Cottingham from 1790 to 1817, I would greatly appreciate. I will be glad to share any information I have. Household Record | 1880 United States Census | | | Search results | Download | Previous Household | Next Household |
| Household: Name | Marital Status | Gender | Age | Birthplace | Occupation | Georg COTTINGHAM | M | Male | 60 | AL | Farmer | Maryer COTTINGHAM | M | Female | 41 | AL | Keeping House | Jos. COTTINGHAM | | Male | 15 | AL | Farm Laborer | Lizzer COTTINGHAM | S | Female | 4 | AL | At Home | Jenneta COTTINGHAM1 | S | Female | 3 | AL | At Home | Jim COTTINGHAM2 | M | Male | 90 | VA | Border | Millie COTTINGHAM3 | M | Female | 100 | VA | At Home |
Source Information: | Census Place | Centreville, Bibb, Alabama | | Family History Library Film | 1254001 | | Page Number | 320C  |
| G. COTTINGHAM1 | Self | M | Male | W | 37 | AL | Laborer | AL | AL | Hanner COTTINGHAM | Wife | M | Female | B | 32 | AL | Keeping House | NC | NC | Marshal COTTINGHAM | Son | S | Male | MU | 22 | AL | Laborer | AL | AL | Seazur COTTINGHAM2 | Son | S | Male | B | 12 | AL | Laborer | AL | AL |
Source Information: | Census Place | Six Mile, Bibb, Alabama | | Family History Library Film | 1254001 | | NA Film Number | T9-0001 | | Page Number | 299A  |
| Household Record | 1880 United States Census | | | | |
| Household Record | 1880 United States Census | | | | | Search results | Download | Previous Household | Next Household |
| Household: Name | Relation | Marital Status | Gender | Race | Age | Birthplace | Occupation | Father's Birthplace | Mother's Birthplace | Charles COTTINGHAM1 | Self | M | Male | W | 25 | AL | Laborer | AL | AL | Emiline COTTINGHAM | Wife | M | Female | B | 36 | AL | Keeping Hous | AL | AL | Melgenie COTTINGHAM | Dau | M | Female | B | 21 | AL | Laborer | GA | AL | Runald COTTINGHAM | Son | S | Male | B | 20 | AL | Laborer | GA | AL | Henry COTTINGHAM2 | Son | S | Male | B | 18 | AL | Laborer | GA | AL | Rocksey COTTINGHAM3 | Dau | S | Female | B | 15 | AL | Laborer | GA | AL | Francus COTTINGHAM | Dau | S | Female | B | 12 | AL | Laborer | GA | AL | Anderson COTTINGHAM | Son | S | Male | B | 10 | AL | Laborer | GA | AL | Willie COTTINGHAM | Son | S | Male | B | 7 | AL | At Home | GA | AL | Quintie COTTINGHAM | Dau | S | Female | B | 5 | AL | At Home | GA | AL | Charlie COTTINGHAM4 | Son | S | Male | B | 4 | AL | At Home | GA | AL | Miller COTTINGHAM5 | Son | S | Male | B | 3 | AL | At Home | GA | AL | Alabama COTTINGHAM6 | Son | S | Male | B | 9M | AL | At Home | GA | AL |
Source Information: | Census Place | Six Mile, Bibb, Alabama | | Family History Library Film | 1254001 | | NA Film Number | T9-0001 | | Page Number | 299A  |